To right is the cover of Monarquia, Democracia Y Orden Natural. Una Vision Austriaca De La Era Americana (2nd Spanish edition of Democracy: The God That Failed), trans. and prologue by Prof. Jeronimo Molina (University of Murcia). It can be ordered by email; see also this link.
Online reviews and discussion include:
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe: razÛn y libertad (RecensiÛn: MonarquÌa, democracia y orden natural),, por Antonio MuÒoz Ballesta
- La Monarquia, revindicada (local PDF copy), por Juan Ramón Rallo
- Hoppe en Madrid: dos teorias morales, por Daniel Rodríguez Herrera
See also
- Auge y Caída de la Ciudad (The Rise and Fall of the City,, Nov. 23, 2005 (an extract of chapter 9 of Democracy: The God That Failed)), traducción de Rodrigo Betancur
- Monarquia, Democracia y Orden Natural, Spanish translation of The Political Economy of Monarchy and Democracy, and the Idea of a Natural Order, Journal of Libertarian Studies Vol. 11 Num. 2.
- Problemas de la Democracia, La Revista de Libertad Digital, Viernes, 5 de Noviembre de 2004 (also published in Diario de America and Venezuela Analitica); abbreviated Spanish version of Down With Democracy, Enterprise and Education, The Association of Private Enterprise Education Newsletter, Summer 1995.
For other Spanish translations of Hoppe’s works, see here.