- For additional publications in print only, see my CV (not recently updated)
- Translations of Hoppe Publications
- Hoppe Audio & Video
- Selected Topics
- A selection of books, articles and broadcasts of Hans-Hermann Hoppe (“Free downloads of today’s leading libertarian philosopher” on WorkForAll.net)
BOOKS: Economy, Society, and History | The Great Fiction | Democracy: God that Failed | Myth of National Defense | Economics & Ethics of Private Property | A Theory of Socialism & Capitalism | Eigentum, Anarchie und Staat | Der Wettbewerb der Gauner | Economic Science and the Austrian Method | RECENT ARTICLES ONLINE ARTICLES: QJAE | RAE | JLS | LewRockwell | Mises.org Daily Articles | Free Market | OTHER ARTICLES | OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Books (Selected)
Economy, Society, and History (Mises Institute, 2021)
Getting Libertarianism Right (Mises 2018)
A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (Mises 2015)
From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy (Mises 2014)
Hoppe Unplugged (2023)
The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (Mises Institute, 2003).
Der Wettbewerb der Gauner: Über das Unwesen der Demokratie und den Ausweg in die Privatrechtsgesellschaft (Holzinger Verlag, 2012)
The Great Fiction: Property, Economy, Society, and the Politics of Decline (Laissez Faire Books, 2012; second revised edition, Mises Institute, 2021)
Democracy: The God That Failed (Transaction, 2001)
Demokratie. Der Gott, Der Keiner Ist (Leipzig: Manuscriptum) (German version of Democracy: The God That Failed) | Preface, Vorwort zur deutschen Ausgabe | Reviews
Democrazia: il dio che ha fallito: Italian version of Democracy: The God That Failed | may be ordered here.
Korean version of Democracy: The God That Failed (Korean Center for Free Enterprise) | Order from the Kyobo book store.
Monarquia, Democracia Y Orden Natural. Una Vision Austriaca De La Era Americana (Spanish version of Democracy: The God That Failed), trans. Prof. Jeronimo Molina (University of Murcia); can be ordered by email | Reviews
The Economics and Ethics of Private Property, Second Edition (Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006)
A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (Kluwer, 1989; Mises Institute reprint, 2007; Laissez Faire Books, 2013)
Eigentum, Anarchie und Staat – Studien zur Theorie des Kapitalismus (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1987)
Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995)
Recent/Selected Articles
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “About Natural Order and its Destruction,” HansHoppe.com (Oct. 27, 2024)
- “My Discovery of Human Action and of Mises as a Philosopher,” in Essays in Honor of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of “Human Action” (Auburn, Ala.: Mises Institute, forthcoming), presented at the Human Action Conference, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, AL, May 16, 2024
- “An Open Letter to Walter E. Block,” LewRockwell.com (Jan. 31, 2024)
- “Foreword: Legal Foundations of a Free Society,” LewRockwell.com (Nov. 3, 2023)
- “On Centralization, Decentralization, and Self-Defense,” LewRockwell.com (Oct. 18, 2023)
- “The War in the Ukraine in Libertarian Perspective,” LewRockwell.com (PFS 2023; Sept. 28, 2023)
- “On the Proper Study of Man: Reflections on Method,” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 26, no. 4 (Winter 2023): 325–55 (video)
- “The Ultra-Reactionary as a Radical Libertarian: Carl Ludwig von Haller (1768–1854) on the Private Law Society,” in David Howden & Philipp Bagus, eds., The Emergence of a Tradition: Essays in Honor of Jesús Huerta de Soto, Volume II: Philosophy and Political Economy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)
- For a New Liberty at 50, Mises Wire (Jan, 18, 2023); LewRockwell.com
- “Foreword: Legal Foundations of a Free Society,” Mises Wire (Oct. 24, 2023) (also republished at LewRockwell.com, Nov. 3, 2023)
- “Growing to Understand Contemporary Germany and Weep – Part I,” LewRockwell.com (Oct. 15, 2022) and “Growing to Understand Contemporary Germany and Weep – Part II,” LewRockwell.com (Oct. 17, 2022)
- “Decentralized and Neutral” (April 23, 2022)
- “My Dream Is of a Europe Which Consists of 1,000 Liechtensteins,” Mises Wire (April 16, 2022)
- On the Corona Panic and Other Insanities: Interview by Andrea Venanzoni,” LewRockwell.com (Aug. 4, 2021)
- State or Private Law Society on Dealing With Corona, LewRockwell.com (Jan. 4, 2021)
- Kinsella, “Read Hoppe, Then Nothing Is the Same”
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe The In-Depth Interview-Jeff Deist (The Austrian, March-April 2020)
- Preface to Rockwell’s Against the Left: A Rothbardian Libertarianism (2019)
- What Must Be Done (2009) [lecture originally given at “The Bankruptcy of American Politics” conference, sponsored by the Mises Institute and held in Newport Beach, California, January 24–25, 1997]
- My Path to the Austrian School of Economics (2019)
- Interview by Juan Fernando Carpio: Our Obsession with Consumption — while Ignoring Saving and Investment — Is a Big Problem, Mises Wire (6/13/2018)
- Foreword to Sean Gabb’s Radical Coup: A Case for Reaction (2018)
- The Libertarian Quest for a Grand Historical Narrative, Mises Wire (Nov. 5 2018); published as “The Libertarian Quest for a Grand Historical Narrative,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 24 (2020)
- Our Obsession with Consumption — while Ignoring Saving and Investment — Is a Big Problem, Mises.org (06/13/2018), interview of Hans-Hermann Hoppe by Juan Fernando Carpio
- “On Getting Libertarianism Right,” Lewrockwell.com (Jan. 18, 2018)
- “Libertarianism and the Alt-Right: In Search of a Libertarian Strategy for Social Change,” Mises UK (20 Oct. 2017) (also at VDare)
- “The Ethics of Argumentation,” The Libertarian Alliance Blog (Oct. 9, 2016) (based on a speech at PFS 2016)
- “A Realistic Libertarianism,” LewRockwell.com (Sept. 30, 2013)
- “The Economics of World Government,” LewRockwell.com (March 7, 2013) (transcript)
- Hoppe, The Property And Freedom Society—Reflections After Five Years, VDARE (June 9, 2010); and The Property And Freedom Society—Reflections After Five Years, The Libertarian Standard (June 10, 2010) (published as “My Life on the Right” in The Great Fiction)
- “From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution. Reflections on Social Evolution” (Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey, 2009)
- The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World (May 21, 2009, Property and Freedom Society 2009 Annual Meeting Introductory Speech, Bodrum, Turkey) (also in The Great Fiction)
- On the Impossibility of Limited Government and the Prospects for a Second American Revolution, Mises.org, June 28, 2008 (originally published in Reassessing the Presidency: The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom, edited by John V. Denson, pp. 667–696; an MP3 audio file of this article, read by Dr. Floy Lilley, is available for download; also available at Mises.org–Hoppe media)
- Interview with Hans-Hermann Hoppe, an Anti-Intellectual Intellectual, English translation of Hans-Hermann Hoppe: Potret Intelektual Anti-Intelektual (local version), interview by Sukasah Syahdan in Akal dan Kehendak (“Reason and Will,” an online weekly Journal on Liberty, Indonesia), Apr. 28, 2008
- “On The Origin Of Private Property And The Family” (version published as Historical Notes No. 48 [Libertarian Alliance], 2007) (This paper was first presented at the 2nd annual meeting of the Property and Freedom Society, held in Bodrum, Turkey, May 24-28, 2007. It is an abstract of a long chapter within the framework of a major book project) (also in The Great Fiction)
- Reflections on the Origin and the Stability of the State, LewRockwell.com, June 23, 2008
- The Idea of a Private Law Society, LewRockwell.com, August 1, 2006 and Mises Daily (July 28, 2006)
- Does the State Resolve or Create Conflict?, Mises.org, March 16, 2006
- Reflections on State and War, LewRockwell.com, November 22, 2006 (talk delivered in Auburn, Alabama, on the occasion of Professor Hoppe’s receiving the Mises Institute’s 2006 Gary G. Schlarbaum Liberty Prize, delivered on October 27, 2006, at “Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom,” the Mises Institute Supporter’s Summit; speech available in MP3 audio from Mises Media)
- The Paradox of Imperialism, Mises.org, November 20, 2006
- The Rise and Fall of the City, Mises.org, Nov. 23, 2005 (an extract of chapter 9 of Democracy: The God That Failed)
- The Intellectual Incoherence of Conservatism, Mises.org, March 4, 2005 [archived comments]
- Property, Causality, and Liability, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Winter 2004): 87-95 (also in The Great Fiction)
- Why Bad Men Rule, LewRockwell.com, Nov. 8, 2004
- In the Free Market, May a Businessman Hire Any Immigrant He Chooses?, LewRockwell.com, Sep. 22, 2004
- Economics, Philosophy, and Politics (interviewed by Emrah Akkurt, Turkey-Association for Liberal Thinking; to be published in a forthcoming special issue of the economic journal Piyasa on socialism), Mises.org, February 26, 2004
- Does Iraq Show That We Need a State?, Mises.org, May 21, 2003
- Natural Order, State, and Looting, LewRockwell.com, May 3, 2003
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe on War, Terrorism, and the World State, Interview by Mark Grunert, Le Québécois Libre, No. 115, Dec. 7, 2002
- Introduction to Democracy: The God That Failed
- Murray N. Rothbard and the Ethics of Liberty, Introduction to the new edition of Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty (New York: New York University Press, 1998)
- Introduction to Murray N. Rothbard, The Logic of Action, Collected Economic Papers, 2 vols. (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1997) (with David Gordon)
- Rothbardian Ethics (based on the Murray N. Rothbard Memorial Lecture at the Mises Institute’s Austrian Scholars Conference in 1999), LewRockwell.com, May 20, 2002 (also in EEPP)
- Reviving the West (review of Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West), LewRockwell.com, Apr. 13, 2002
- The Right To Exclude, LewRockwell.com, Mar. 5, 2002 [forthcoming in JLS]
- The Private Production of Defense, Ludwig von Mises Institute Essays in Political Economy (alternate version, from Journal of Libertarian Studies 14:1 (Winter 1998-1999): 27-52) (also in The Great Fiction)
- Anarcho-Capitalism: An annotated bibliography, LewRockwell.com, December 31, 2001
- Natural Elites, Intellectuals, and the State
- The Mises Archive: A Treasure Uncovered, The Wall Street Journal, A16, Thursday, January 30, 1997
- “On Praxeology and the Praxeological Foundation of Epistemology and Ethics,” in Jeffrey M. Herbener, ed., The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises: Contributions in Economics, Sociology, Epistemology, and Political Philosophy (Studies in Austrian Economics Series, Auburn, Ala.: Praxeology Press, Ludwig von Mises Institute/Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993) (local PDF)
Online Articles
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics Articles
- The Limits of Numerical Probability: Frank H. Knight and Ludwig von Mises and the Frequency of Interpretation, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 3-21 (also in The Great Fiction)
- “A Note on Preference and Indifference in Economic Analysis,” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter 2005): 87-91 (included as Part I of ch. 17, “Two Notes on Preference and Indifference,” in The Great Fiction)
- “Further Notes on Preference and Indifference: Rejoinder to Block,” Volume 12, No. 1 (2009): 60–64 (included as Part II of ch. 17, “Two Notes on Preference and Indifference,” in The Great Fiction)
- Property, Causality, and Liability, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Winter 2004): 87-95
- Against Fiduciary Media, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, with Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Walter Block (Vol. 1 Num. 1) (also in EEPP)
Review of Austrian Economics Articles
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “The Economics and Sociology of Taxation,” Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines 1, no. 2 (1990), reprinted in EEPP
- Banking, Nation States and International Politics: A Sociological Reconstruction of the Present Economic Order (Vol. 4 Num. 1) (also in EEPP)
- De-Socialization in a United Germany (Vol. 5 Num. 2)
- F.A. Hayek on Government and Social Evolution: A Critique (Vol. 7 Num. 1) (also in The Great Fiction) (see also “The Hayek Myth” (PFS 2012))
- How is Fiat Money Possible?-or, The Devolution of Money and Credit (Vol. 7 Num. 2) (also in EEPP)
- In Defense of Extreme Rationalism: Thoughts on Donald McCloskey’s The Rhetoric of Economics (Vol. 3 Num. 1) (also in The Great Fiction)
- On Certainty and Uncertainty, Or: How Rational Can Our Expectations Be? (Vol. 10 Num. 1) (also in The Great Fiction)
- Socialism: A Property or Knowledge Problem? (Vol. 9 Num. 1) (also in EEPP)
- Book Review of Walter Block and Llewellyn H.Rockwell, Jr., eds., Man, Economy, and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard, Rev. Austrian Econ. (Vol. 4 Num. 1, 1989)
Journal of Libertarian Studies Articles
- Fallacies of the Public Goods Theory and the Production of Security (Vol. 9 Num. 1) (also in Chapter 1 of EEPP)
- Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis (Vol. 9 Num. 2) (also in EEPP)
- The Case for Free Trade and Restricted Immigration (Vol. 13 Num. 2) (also in The Great Fiction)
- The Political Economy of Monarchy and Democracy, and the Idea of a Natural Order (Vol. 11 Num. 2) (excerpted as “Political Economy of Monarchy and Democracy,” Mises Daily (Feb. 1, 2010)
- The Private Production of Defence (Vol. 14 Num. 1)
- Natural Order, the State, and the Immigration Problem (Vol. 16 Num. 1, Winter 2002): 75-97 (also in The Great Fiction)
LewRockwell.com Articles
- Reflections on the Origin and the Stability of the State, LewRockwell.com, June 23, 2008
- Reflections on State and War, LewRockwell.com, November 22, 2006 (talk delivered in Auburn, Alabama, on the occasion of Professor Hoppe’s receiving the Mises Institute’s 2006 Gary G. Schlarbaum Liberty Prize, delivered on October 27, 2006, at “Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom,” the Mises Institute Supporter’s Summit; speech available in MP3 audio from Mises Media) (also in The Great Fiction)
- The Idea of a Private Law Society, LewRockwell.com, August 1, 2006
- Natural Order, State, and Looting, LewRockwell.com, May 3, 2003
- Reviving the West (review of Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West), LewRockwell.com, Apr. 13, 2002
- The Right To Exclude, Mar. 5, 2002
- Anarcho-Capitalism: An annotated bibliography, Dec. 31, 2001
- The Trouble With Democracy, Nov. 12, 2001; on what’s wrong, fundamentally and irreversibly, with the sacred political system.
- Secession, the State, and the Immigration Problem, May 16, 2001
- Down With Democracy, Nov. 17, 2000; The truth about a failed system.
- On Free Immigration and Forced Integration, 1999
Mises.org Daily Articles
- “The Yield from Money Held” Reconsidered, Mises Daily (May 14, 2009) (also in The Great Fiction)
- On the Impossibility of Limited Government and the Prospects for a Second American Revolution, Mises.org, June 28, 2008 (originally published in Reassessing the Presidency: The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom, edited by John V. Denson, pp. 667–696; an MP3 audio file of this article, read by Dr. Floy Lilley, is available for download)
- Does the State Resolve or Create Conflict?, Mises.org, March 16, 2006
- The Paradox of Imperialism, Mises.org, November 20, 2006 (excerpted from Professor Hoppe’s Schlarbaum Award Acceptance Speech, delivered on October 27, 2006, at “Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom,” the Mises Institute Supporter’s Summit; speech available in MP3 audio from Mises Media)
- My Battle With The Thought Police, Mises.org, 2005/04/12
- The Intellectual Incoherence of Conservatism, Mises.org, 3/4/2005
- America, Don’t Suffocate Ideas [by European Scholars in defens of Hoppe], Mises.org, 2/28/2005
- “The Ethics and Economics of Private Property,” in The Great Fiction
- Economics, Philosophy, and Politics, Mises.org, 2/25/2004
- The Myth of National Defense, Mises.org, 10/24/2003
- Does Iraq Show That We Need a State?, Mises.org, 5/6/2003
- The Democratic Leviathan, Mises.org, 12/19/2001
- The Politics of Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Mises.org, 12/30/1999
The Free Market Articles
- Goethe on National Greatness
- The Meaning of the Mises Papers;
- Murray Rothbard, R.I.P.
- Murray Rothbard, In Memoriam (1995)
- A Four-Step Health Care Solution (republished in Mises Daily, Aug. 14, 2009; archived comments)
- Intellectual Cover For Socialism
Other Articles
- The EU: Economically and Morally Perverse, LewRockwell.com (July 13, 2016)
- “‘Taxes are expropriation’: Interview in Wirtschaftswoche,” (Jan. 4, 2014)
- “Entrepreneurship With Fiat Property and Fiat Money,” LewRockwell.com (Nov. 14, 2011); Republished in Mises Daily on Nov. 18, 2011 (also in The Great Fiction)
- “Why the State Demands Control of Money,” Mises Daily (Oct. 13, 2011) (also in The Great Fiction)
- “Why Mises (and not Hayek)?“, Mises Daily (Oct. 10, 2011)
- “State or Private-Law Society,” Mises Daily (May 9, 2011) (also in The Great Fiction)
- “Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe on the Impracticality of One-World Government and the Failure of Western-style Democracy,” The Daily Bell (Mar. 27, 2011) (also in The Great Fiction)
- “Of Private, Common, and Public Property and the Rationale for Total Privatization”, Libertarian Papers 3, 1 (2011); also published as “The Rationale for Total Privatization,” Mises Daily (Mar. 14, 2011); and, under the slightly rearranged title of “Of Common, Public, and Private Property and the Rationale for Total Privatization,” as ch. 5 of The Great Fiction
- The Property And Freedom Society—Reflections After Five Years, VDARE (June 9, 2010)
- The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World (May 21, 2009, Property and Freedom Society 2009 Annual Meeting Introductory Speech, Bodrum, Turkey)
- “The Economic and Political Rationale for European Secessionism,” in David Gordon, ed., Secession, State & Liberty (Transaction, 1998)
- “The Western State as a Paradigm: Learning from History,” in Paul Gottfried, ed., Politics and Regimes: Religion & Public Life, Vol.30 (1997) (based on a paper presented at the Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, September 1995)
- The Intellectual Incoherence of Conservatism, Mises.org, March 4, 2005
- Why Bad Men Rule, LewRockwell.com, Nov. 8, 2004
- Book Review (2, 3), The Failure of America’s Foreign Wars, Edited by Richard M. Ebeling and Jacob G. Hornberger, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, November 1996
- The Ethics and Economics of Private Property, in the Elgar Companion to the Economics of Private Property, Ed. Enrico Colombatto (London: Edward Elgar, 2004) (text version on Mises.org; text version on LewRockwell.com)
- Social Democratic Hayek: An Interview with Hans-Hermann Hoppe by Mateusz Machaj, English version of Socjaldemokratyczny Hayek, in Najwyzszy czas, September 2004
- Chicago Diversions, excerpt (discussing Coase) from “The Ethics and Economics of Private Property,” in The Great Fiction
- Comment on Don Lavoie, Mont Pelerin Society, General Meeting, 1994
- In the Free Market, May a Businessman Hire Any Immigrant He Chooses?, LewRockwell.com, Sep. 22, 2004
- From Nation to Household: The Middle American Illusions of Sam Francis (and Pat Buchanan) (unpublished)
- The Future of Liberalism. A Plea for a New Radicalism, Polis, Vol. 3,1, 1998
- Letter to Chronicles, re efficiency of private v. public slaves, Chronicles, 1993 (?)
- Nationalism and Secession, Chronicles, Nov. 1993, p. 23
- Hoppe, Hans-Hermann & Walter Block, “Property and Exploitation,” International Journal of Value Based Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2002, pp. 225-236
- “The Second Paradox of Blackmail,” Business Ethics Quarterly 10, 3 (July 2000): 593-622 (co-authored with Walter Block and Stephan Kinsella)
- Murray N. Rothbard: Economics, Science, and Liberty (2), in: Randall Holcombe, ed., Fifteen Great Austrian Economists (Auburn, Al.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1999) (also in The Great Fiction)
- Time Preference, Government, and the Process of De-Civilization – From Monarchy to Democracy, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol.5, 2, 1994; also published in John Denson, ed., The Costs of War (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1997) and as ch. 1 of Democracy: God that Failed
- Government, Money, and International Politics, Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics, 2003, 2
- Economics, Philosophy, and Politics (interviewed by Emrah Akkurt, Turkey-Association for Liberal Thinking; to be published in a forthcoming special issue of the economic journal Piyasa on socialism), Mises.org, February 26, 2004
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe on War, Terrorism, and the World State, Interview by Mark Grunert, Le Québécois Libre, No. 115, Dec. 7, 2002
- From the Economics of Laissez Faire to The Ethics of Libertarianism, ch. 6 in Walter Block & Llewellyn H. Rockwell, eds., Man, Economy, and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard (Mises Institute, 1988) (also in EEPP)
- The Private Property Order: An Interview with Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Austrian Economics Newsletter, Vol. 18 Num. 1
- On Theory and History: Reply to Benegas-Lynch Jr., in: Gerard Radnitzky, ed., Values and the Social Order, Vol.3 (Aldershot: Avebury, 1997)
- From Welfare to Health Care: Commentary on von Studnitz, in: Gerard Radnitzky, ed., Values and the Social Order, Vol.3 (Aldershot: Avebury, 1997)
- The Misesian Case Against Keynes, in: Mark Skousen, ed., Dissent on Keynes (New York: Praeger, 1992; pdf)
- “The Ultimate Justification of the Private Property Ethic,” Liberty, Vol. 2, 1, September 1988)
- “The Justice of Economic Efficiency,” Austrian Economics Newsletter, 9, no. 2 (Winter 1988): 1–4 (also in EEPP)
Other Publications/Other
- The Ethics of Entrepreneurship and Profit, LewRockwell.com (June 23, 2014)
- Obsessed by Megalomania: Junge Freiheit Interview with Hans-Hermann Hoppe, LewRockwell.com (Dec. 29, 2012)
- Professor Hoppe on the founding of the Mises Institut Deutschland, misesde.org (Oct. 23, 2012)
- Philosophie Magazine Interview on Taxation (2011) (also in The Great Fiction)
- Jörg Guido Hülsmann & Stephan Kinsella, eds., Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Mises Institute, 2009) (PDF, epub, and print versions)
- David Howden’s review of Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- Founder and President, The Property and Freedom Society (2006-present).
- Editor-at-large, and former editor (1995-2005) of the Journal of Libertarian Studies.
- A note from Hans-Hermann Hoppe: “To my supporters: A big thank you for your email, letters, and phone calls on my behalf. The current status on UNLV’s persecution of me and attacks on academic freedom can be found on the Hans-Hermann Hoppe Victory Blog.”